UH has adopted the Credit/No Credit option because of the circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic and sudden transition to online courses.
The emergency grading policy for the spring 2020 semester that includes a Credit/No Credit option has been officially adopted and is now available for review. FAQs on the new policy, one for faculty and one for students, are also available.
The Credit/No Credit is optional, so students can still choose to take a letter grade.
As you read through the FAQs, please keep in mind that we are seeking to create a process that is in the best interest of the student, that recognizes the critical role faculty play in assessing students’ mastery of course material and acknowledges the technical constraints of our system. If you have any questions, contact [email protected].
The deadline to withdrawn from a class is April 30th.
Consult to your counselor for more information.
By Allan Salvador
Ka Lā staff writer